Vital Organic Greens Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our list of frequently asked questions. If you need more information or have queries that aren’t addressed below, please contact us today!

Vital Organic Greens
Quick Reference
Reference | Yes/No | Reference | Yes/No |
100% Organic | YES | Vegetarian | YES |
Vegan | YES | Gluten free | YES |
Wheat free | YES | Lactose Free | YES |
Dairy Free | YES | Egg Free | YES |
Yeast Free | YES | Corn Free | YES |
Soy Free | YES | Alcohol Free | YES |
Artificial Sweeteners/flavours | NO | Artificial Colours | NO |
Tested on animals? | NO |
Mix 1-2 teaspoons into your smoothie, juice or water. Enjoy daily at any time of the day. Practitioners may decrease the starting serve in pregnancy or sensitive people to lessen the possible detoxing effects.
No need to keep in the fridge.
Are there any side effects from taking Organic Greens?
Generally Organic Greens is very well tolerated. Organic Greens contains ingredients that cleanse and detox the system, thus some people may experience mild symptoms when you first start taking. This may include mild nausea, bloating, excessive flatulence, general gut discomfort or a minor skin irritation.
If this does occur, we recommend reducing the serve of Organic Greens by half while your body adjusts (approx. 2 – 4 weeks), and then gradually increase again.
Are there any concerns with taking Organic Greens while I am on prescription medications?
Organic Greens is a food, however you should inform your healthcare professional of any significant lifestyle or dietary changes if you are taking prescription medications, as it is important that they are aware of everything you take and can assess your individual health needs.
Can I take Organic Greens if I am also pregnant/breastfeeding?
We recommend consulting with a health care professional whilst pregnant or lactating prior to taking Organic Greens. It’s important that care is taken when taking ingredients that may stimulate a detoxing response while pregnant or breastfeeding and many practitioners will reduce the serve and monitor closely. It’s also important that your individual health needs are considered.
Can I take Organic Greens with my usual supplements (e.g. Multivitamins, Ki, Vital Protein, Tissue salts etc.)?
Yes Organic Greens is a food and may be taken with all your usual supplements.
Organic Greens contains wheat grass, is it wheat free?
Yes Organic Greens is wheat free and gluten free. Wheat grass is suitable for people avoiding gluten and wheat because it is cut when it is very young; at this stage the grass does not contain any gluten. The gluten is present in the wheat kernel, after the wheat plant has grown for a long time.
Are there any genetically modified (GM) ingredients in Organic Greens?
No, there are no genetically modified ingredients in Organic Greens.
Is there iron found in Organic Greens?
Organic Greens has no added iron. Some of the ingredients contain iron naturally, especially green leafy plants, so this does contribute to your daily iron requirement. If you are iron deficient or anaemic, you will need to still follow the advice of your healthcare professional and add a suitable iron supplement to your daily routine. (see Vital Iron).
Please note that your Iron supplement must be taken at a different time to Organic Greens for best absorption results.