Vital All-In-One Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our list of frequently asked questions. If you need more information or have queries that aren’t addressed below, please contact us today!

Vital All-In-One Daily Health Supplement
Quick Reference
Reference | Yes/No | Reference | Yes/No |
Vegetarian | YES | Vegan | YES |
Gluten free | YES | Wheat free | YES |
Lactose Free | YES | Dairy Free | YES |
Egg Free | YES | Yeast Free | YES |
Corn Free | YES | Soy Free | NO |
Alcohol Free | YES | Artificial Sweeteners/flavours | NO |
Artificial Colours | NO | Tested on animals? | NO |
Adult (12years +): 2 heaped teaspoons (10g) daily.
For those new to Vital All-In-One, we recommend for the first 2-4 weeks while your body is adjusting to start with half a serve, which is one teaspoon (5g), then gradually increase to a full serve.
For Children under 12 years, due to the detoxing herbs, we would recommend talking to your health care practitioner before taking Vital All-In-One. Or take as directed by your practitioner. Practitioners may decrease the starting serve in pregnancy or sensitive people to lessen the possible detoxing effects.
Is Vital All-In-One a different product to Vital Greens?
No, Vital All-In-One is the exact same formula as Vital Greens. The name was changed to Vital All-In-One to more accurately reflect the comprehensiveness of the formula, that it is more than just greens.
Will I experience any effects from taking Vital All-In-One for the first time?
Generally Vital All-In-One is very well tolerated. Vital All-In-One contains ingredients that cleanse and detox the system, thus some people may experience mild symptoms when you first start taking Vital All-In-One . This may include mild nausea, bloating, excessive flatulence, general gut discomfort or a minor skin irritation.
If this does occur, we recommend reducing the serve of Vital All-In-One by half while your body adjusts (approx. 2 – 4 weeks), and then gradually increase to the full 10g serve.
If these sorts of symptoms become extreme or start to influence your day to day routine, please discontinue Vital All-In-One and gain some support from your health care practitioner
With fruits, vegetables & a natural sweetener complex within its 78 ingredients, you may be surprised at how good Vital All-in-One tastes.
Vital All-in-One is best mixed into water – we recommend chilled water mixed in a shaker or blender if possible. But if you’re short on time, just mixing with a spoon is perfectly fine too! If you find the taste of Vital All-in-One a bit strong, you can always mix it into your daily smoothie.
If you’d like to taste Vital All-in-One before you buy, please contact us to request a sample.
What is the best time of the day to take Vital All-In-One ?
First thing in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal, however you may take Vital All-In-One any time of the day. Vital All-In-One is best taken before meals or at least one hour after meals to help with maximum absorption.
Over what length of time can I take Vital All-In-One ?
Vital All-In-One is designed to be taken daily and ongoing.
Why do I have to keep Vital All-In-One in the fridge once I have opened it? Do I have to use it within a certain period?
We recommend keeping Vital All-In-One in the fridge once it is opened, due to the probiotic (micro-organisms) content.
Probiotics are living organisms and need to be kept in the refrigerator to minimize the loss of potency, but as they are freeze dried this does not become an issue until the tub is opened, as the probiotics need air and warmth to live. Alternatively, you can keep Vital All-In-One in a cool, dark place, but ideally the fridge is best. We recommend consuming Vital All-In-One within 90 days of opening (and in the fridge) to maintain potency & freshness.
Anything to consider before taking Vital All-In-One?
If you are under the care of a practitioner for any disease or serious condition, please discuss with them before taking Vital All-In-One for the first time.
Are there any concerns with taking Vital All-In-One while I am on prescription medications?
Vital All-In-One is a food, however you should inform your healthcare professional of any significant lifestyle or dietary changes if you are taking prescription medications, as it is important that they are aware of everything you take and can assess your individual health needs.
Can I take Vital All-In-One if I am also pregnant/breastfeeding?
We recommend consulting with a health care professional whilst pregnant or lactating prior to taking Vital All-In-One . It’s important that care is taken when taking ingredients that may stimulate a detoxing response while pregnant or breastfeeding and many practitioners will reduce the dose and monitor closely. It’s also important that your individual health needs are considered.
Vital All-In-One contains wheat grass, is it wheat free?
Yes Vital All-In-One is wheat free and gluten free. Wheat grass is suitable for people avoiding gluten and wheat because it is cut when it is very young; at this stage the grass does not contain any gluten. The gluten is present in the wheat kernel, after the wheat plant has grown for a long time.
Is there Soy in Vital All-In-One ? Where is the Lecithin derived from?
There is no added Soy in Vital All-In-One however the Lecithin is derived from Soy. As the Lecithin is extracted from Soy very little actual Soy is left over so we don’t need to be concerned that there is large amounts of Soy in Vital Green. There may be traces of Soy, anyone with a history of allergy is best to avoid Vital All-In-One.
How many fruits and vegetables are in Vital All-In-One? Do I still need to eat fruits and vegetables if I take Vital All-In-One every day?
While Vital All-In-One should not replace fruit and vegetables in your diet, it contains the antioxidant equivalent of 8 – 10 serves of fruit and vegetables. Vital All-In-One supports the national dietary guidelines for Australians that encourage the intake of a wide variety of nutritious foods daily*.
* As recommended by the Australian Government Department for Health & Ageing
Is there any caffeine in Vital All-In-One?
Cocoa Beans do contain a small amount of caffeine naturally. This equates to approx. 0.24mg of caffeine in every 10g daily serve of Vital All-In-One. This is a very small amount. An average cup of coffee has approx. 100mg of caffeine.
Is Vital All-In-One Yeast free?
Yes although we use a high quality extract that is taken from the wall of a yeast cell, called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This does not meanVital All-In-One contains yeast. All of the yeast cell is discarded – it is only the beta glucans compound that we extract out and include in the actual product.
I notice you use certified organic ingredients in Vital All-In-One. Why aren’t all of the ingredients organic?
Vital All-In-One uses organic ingredients where possible. Our aim is to provide our consumers with the most organic Vital All-In-One product as possible at the time of manufacture. We guarantee that every ingredient we identify on our label as being organic is organic in every manufactured batch of Vital All-In-One. We do aim to source as many additional organic ingredients as are available at the time of manufacture, and as such, some batches may include more organic ingredients over and above what is stated on the label. In Australia, it is not possible to source and supply each of the 78 Vital All-In-One ingredients in a certified organic form.
Are there any genetically modified (GM) ingredients in Vital All-In-One?
No, there are no genetically modified ingredients in Vital All-In-One.
Can I start will a full serve?
If you are new to powdered supplements, we recommend starting on just one teaspoon per day. You can then slowly build up to the full two teaspoon serve over 2 – 4 weeks. This will help minimise any detoxing effects, like bloating, that you may experience when first taking Vital All-in-One.
Is Vital All-in-One a meal replacement?
No, Vital All-In-One is not designed as a meal replacement product. With 78 ingredients, it contains the antioxidant equivalent of 8 – 10 serves of fruit and vegetables but is not intended to replace your intake of healthy foods including fruits and vegetables. It is designed to be taken daily in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet. You can add Vital All-In-One to a smoothie or mix it up with Vital Protein to give it an extra nutritional boost.
Where can I find Vital All-in-One?
Vital All-in-One is available in Chemist Warehouse, Woolworths, Coles, Priceline, Terry White Chemmart, Go Vita, Healthy Life – in other words, pretty much everywhere! Plus, you can always find us on our online store here.