What is Vital?
The Vital brand began in 2000 with the development of Vital Greens, now named Vital All-In-One, a comprehensive multi-nutrient supplement. The formula was recently renamed Vital All-In-One to highlight it is much more than just greens, but gives you everything you need, all in one!
When did we get started?
Developed by two Naturopaths, Stephen Sprada and Shane Sullivan.
At this time, there had been a growing emphasis on chronic illnesses and lifestyle-related morbidity rather than acute illnesses. As a result, people began seeking greater levels of control and empowerment around their lives, with consumers educating themselves on health, nutrition, diseases and alternative therapies.
"At the end of the 20th century Stephen and Shane couldn’t ignore the influx of clients that were experiencing gut, bowel, and digestive issues."

Why was Vital created?
Although many of their clients were taking various tablets (vitamins, minerals, herbs) their bodies weren’t positively reacting to the natural medications. This inspired the pair to create a product to treat their patients, a comprehensive supplement formula with superior absorption, ‘that covered all nutritional bases.’

How did it happen?
With a dedication to researching and analysing an extensive list of ingredients from around the world, Shane and Stephen developed, what they believed to be the most health beneficial formula. A complex, multi nutrient formulation with the best absorption to ensure their clients were benefiting from every ingredient, helping relieve symptoms and prevent illness.
NEW from the Vital family
Accelerate your health and try our new pure plant sourced vitamins and minerals. The world is saturated with synthetic vitamins and modern food is not as nutrient dense, so supplementing your diet is important for optimum health. Our range of plant based supplements are made with natural forms of nutrients that are more easily recognised by the body making them more efficacious.