Robert Shield, Ultra-Endurance Athlete: Why I take Vital All-In-One

I must confess, I’m the guy who orders the broccolini first, the salad second and then I’ll think about the mains. I love eating clean and healthy, however even with our best efforts, occasional guilty pleasures and daily stressors mean the likelihood of achieving perfect nutritional balance, is slim.
Whether it be self-imposed training for your next marathon, a busy family routine, or simply being snowed under at work that is impacting your dietary intake, including Vital-All-In-One each day restores your body’s harmony ensuring you receive 78 ingredients targeting energy, vitality, immunity, and GUT health.
Personally, I’ve tried some of the other brands but the taste of the comprehensive powdered formula of Vital-All-In-One was pleasingly different. Most importantly, there was an uptick in how it made me feel. The taste was already great, and now even better in two flavours, Original and Lemon and Ginger - made from real lemon and real ginger.
Within days I felt noticeably different which prompted me to refer to the Nutrient Information Panel. Supplements I had sporadically used as a complimentary addition to my diet, were contained within Vital-All-In-One. It’s more than just a green powder and best of all its authentic, not synthetic which means it is more bioavailable.
The way I take Vital-All-In-One each morning is: 400ml of water with 100ml of orange juice + two heaped teaspoons of Vital-All-In-One. It’s great for my digestion and satiates me enough to get me through my morning routine. It keeps the pep in my step every day.

Rob Shield
Circumference Health and Wellbeing “Youthful Energy Ageless Wisdom”

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