Pea isolate powders have up to 95% more protein than concentrate powders. The high protein levels contained are why they are an ideal choice for body builders looking to improve muscle mass. The protein isolate is also perfect for those who are on gluten free or dairy free diets and need to find alternative sources of protein.
In an ideal world there would be enough time in the day to continuously and regularly prepare delicious meals that would provide you with the life-enhancing benefits of super foods. But the modern world is far from ideal when it comes to time. Pea protein powders takes care of providing you with a protein-rich diet without all the hassle and fuss involved in meal preparation. Keep up your optimum protein intake with the least amount of prep time and benefit from these health boosting properties:
Keep heart healthy and happy
Pea protein has been found to lower blood pressure. In addition, proteins from a plant-based diet have a favourable effect on reducing inflammation, a contributing factor to heart disease.
Improves muscle growth
A lesser known fact of Pea proteins is their positive contribution to muscle growth seeing that they contain higher levels of muscle-enhancing amino acids. In the same way that dairy-based proteins have muscle-building properties, so too do vegetable-based proteins but with the added advantage of having no side effects.
Lowers risk of kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is linked to increased blood pressure. Just as pea protein has positive effects on blood pressure, so too does it beneficially effect the kidneys allowing for prevention or delay in developing kidney disease. It is pea protein isolate, in particular that is extracted and fortified with special enzymes that has the most positive effect.
If you’ve moved to a plant-based diet, then pea protein isolate is a great way to keep your body in great health. For a great quality protein powder product choose Vital Greens. We supply a superior quality range of superfood powders for enhanced wellbeing.